No, not me. Your boyfriend.
He's an idiot.
Sorry. It's not my place.
It's OK.
Look, if it makes you feel any better,
you see that bloke over there?
Not only does he own
a set of crocodile-skin luggage,
but his favourite
TV program is Baywatch.
So you see, there's always
someone sadder than you.
- Do you love him?
- No. I could never love a Baywatch fan.
Hey, you did a joke
in the midst of your turbulent
emotional state. That's very positive.
Listen, if you decide you want
company, we're over here, OK?
I'm really sorry, Helen.
Two of your most disgustingly
large Grolsches, please,
and a large Jack Daniels with ice,
and I'll have the same.
You're behind.
Can we have another?
Gerry came looking for you.
- Is it what I think?
- It depends.
Is what you think that I walked in on him
shagging Lydia in my bed,
and I walked out?
- Pretty much.
- Then, yes.