Sliding Doors

Wear something warm on Saturday.
It can get cold on the river.

Take care.
## Is that you? #
# Looks like you've #
# changed your ways again... ##

So, what other ideas
has James run by you?

Anna, don't do that.
Don't do desperate mother acting
with me. He's a friend, OK? Friend.

I'm not remotely interested
in him romantically.

- You're not.
- No.

So how come last night
was the first night you didn't ask

if anyone had called
when you walked in the door?

## What I know now #
# It's not always a happy ending #
# Yeah, but hey #
# Here comes that rainy day again #
# Hey, look at me #
# Don't feel like crying no more #
# I won't feel like crying no more #
# I don't feel like it #
# Hey, look at me... ##
You're sorry?
You're sorry that four of the staff here
have been cut down with food poisoning
after eating your sandwiches.

And yes, they all had the same sandwiches
and the same symptoms at the same time.

Are you trained
in the catering trade, may I ask?

No, actually, I work in PR
Well, you're not doing a particularly good
PR job this morning, are you?

Luckily for you,
I've convinced my colleagues

not to take the matter
any further... this time.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have five people's work to do.
