## Ooh, I must believe #
# I can do anything #
# I can heal everyone #
# I must believe #
# I am the wind #
# Yeah, but I am the sea #
# Oh, oh #
# I am the wind, I am the sea, #
# I am the sun #
# I can be anyone #
# Oh, this world is mine #
# This world is mine #
# For all of time #
# For all of time #
# I can turn them to stone #
# Come let me fix my home #
# I can do anything #
# I'm gonna
get myself together... #
- He didn't even pay the bill.
- Of course not.
- I'm sorry... excuse me.
- Sure.
What do you mean
you want to see me?
Jesus Christ, Gerry, what...
How did you get in?
One of the waiters is a friend
of Russell. He got me a ticket.
It's a great do, Helen.
I hear your company's really taking off.
Gerry, you can't just turn up like this.
This is a really important night for me.
Yes, I can, Helen.
I can just turn up.
It's the most important
just turn up I've ever done.
Oh, God.
We can't talk in here.
# I must believe
I must believe... ##
We've been through too much just
to drop this, haven't we? Surely.
Helen, please, look at me.