No, no. Honestly.
you seem familiar.
l don't think so.
Yes. Yes, you were in
the lift just now.
You dropped
your earring...
l picked it up.
Oh, yes. You did.
Thank you.
Do you work there?
l did do...
but l've just
been fired, ok?
Ohh, that's...
that's horrible.
l'm sorry.
lt's ok.
You didn't do it.
l thank you
for your concern...
and glad you're in
a good mood, et cetera.
Thank you for picking up
my earring...
but l just want
to read my book.
Well, l get off
at this stop.
l'm only telling you...
in case you get off
at this stop, too...
and you get off
before me...
and you think
l'm following you.
Which l'm not.
l mean, l wouldn't.
You know?
l really didn't mean
any offense.
Please forgive me.
l'm really not
a nutcase.
l apologize.
Excuse me.
Um, l'm sorry.
l'm sure
you're not a nutcase...
or a psycho
or anything...
it's just that l'm not--
l'm not that good at, um...
you know.
constructing sentences?
l'm James.
l never figured out...
why we didn't make it,
You went back to America,
l couldn't afford
the bus fares.
l came back, though.
Turn my back
for 3 lousy years...
and you callously
ditch me...
for another woman.
Mmm, l know.
l suppose l'm just
naturally impetuous.
l live with someone.