''Gorgonites and Commando Elite.''
What are those?
Let's find out.
Major Chip Hazard, reporting for duty, sir!
Wow. Voice activated. Not bad.
They move, they talk.
They got a built-in, two-way radio.
''Buy a second commando
and communicate with a friend.''
Halt! Who goes there?
Greetings. l am Archer,
emissary of the Gorgonites.
Awfully polite for a monster.
You never have to replace the battery.
That's a good thing.
Hey, Joe. Do you think you could
front me a set of these?
Sort of lend them to me.
You got plenty in the truck.
That's Toy World's inventory
for the month.
This order's paid for.
l'll pay you back after l sell them.
What about your dad's policy, no war toys?
Don't worry about my dad.
By the time he gets back, they'll be sold.
And we'll have made some money for once.
l don't know.
You're saying that never in your career...
...has anything just fallen off
the back of the truck?
l don't like your tone.
lt's too loud.
Okay, one whole set.
l'll lose the paperwork someplace.
-l had better not regret this.
-You won't. l swear.
And you've got to get them off the truck.
-I could getin trouble for this.
-No one will know.
They better not. These toys don"t go
on sale officially until Monday.
I could loose myjob.
I could loose my house.