Small Soldiers

that actually do what
they do in the commercials.

Well, that's
an interesting idea.

Forget about this
batteries- not- included crap.

We're gonna stick in a lifetime
Globotech lithium cell.

Keep these things
running forever.

- That'll piss off the guys at Eveready.
- Yeah.

Hey, how's this for a slogan:
The Commando Elite.
Anything else is just a toy.

Everything else
is just a toy.

Th- Th- That's
good too.

- Sure.
- Uh, sir ?

Uh, you know, that kind
of computing power...

- doesn't really seem
feasible right now, and, and...
- Irwin. Irwin.

We're members of the Globotech family.
Surely we can hunt down the technology.

We can make missiles that can
hunt down one unlucky bastard...

7,000 miles away and stick
a nuclear warhead right up his ass.

I don't think we're going to
have a problem with this.

Now, these guys are soldiers, right ?
And what do soldiers need ?

- Hats ?
- Cam- Cam- Camouflage ?

- Ms. Kegel ?
- Enemies, sir.

Enemies. See, these hideous,
ugly freaks... These guys are the enemy.

And our guys have to seek 'em out
and vaporize 'em.

Well, no, they're not...
Sir ? Um, don't you think
that's a bit violent ?

Exactly. So don't call it violence.
Call it action.

Kids love action.
It sells.

what're you worried about ?

They're only toys.
I can't believe this.
This is wrong. This is really wrong.

I mean... You know,
this is a- a total perversion...

of everything I designed
these Gorgonites to be.

Oh, would you can it,
Irwin. Come on.

This is a golden opportunity.
If we pull this off,

- we will have Gil Mars
eating out of our hands.
- And by the way, gentlemen,

Mr. Mars expects the product to be
ready for shipment in three months.

- Three months ?
- No, no, no, no, no.

It takes at least six months. There's
product testing and focus groups...

Three months is fine. Tell Mr. Mars in
three months, everything will be ready.

All right, then.
Now, these are your security cards.

These will give you
unlimited access...

to all top secret
Global- Technology.

And these are your
individual secret passwords.

Please take a moment
to memorize them now.

[ Chuckles ]
Mine's "Gizmo."

I said, secret.
Well, but...
