Small Soldiers

- [ Man Speaking, Indistinct ]
- What a great picture.

It's perfect.
I don't know.
Looks kinda fuzzy.

Let me try
something else.

[ Explosions ]
Oh, for
Pete's sake, Phil !

Maybe if I tweak
the brightness a little.

No, no. It's the chroma.
Flesh tones way off, way off.

[ Marion ]
Look, now it's green. Just...

- Stand down, men.
- [ Phil ] He's a ghost.

We must neutralize
these civilians.

- I paid a lot for this thing.
I don't want a ghost.
- [ Electronic Beeping ]

Follow me.
[ Laughing ]

It's a trap, sir.
- [ Screaming ]
- [ Chip ] Good. Bring it here, soldier.

Chemical warfare.
Operation Sandman.

Fire when ready,

[ TV, Indistinct ]
[ Phil ] Audie Murphy,
a most decorated war hero.

I think World War II
was my favorite war.

Uh- huh.
No sign of the target, sir.
The area is secured.

Don't worry,
she'll be here.

[ TV Continues ]
- [ Sighs ]
- [ Groaning ]

This is where we'll
engage the target.

Set up concealed positions
and prepare for ambush.

[ Timmy ]
Oh, man !

I can't believe
they got me the whole set !

Hold your fire, men !
Cool, you can talk.
