Snake Eyes

**** [ Disco ]
[ Sighs ]
**** [ Disco Continues ]
Hi. I hope you don't mind.
I borrowed your shirt.

Oh, not at all. I happen to think women
look very sexy in men's shirts.

- Oh ? [ Laughs ]
- [ Chuckles ]

- Okay.
- Um, can you--

Just hold on
one minute, okay ?

Oh, okay.
Oh, please !
Excuse me ! You're the one
who was practically giving me the knob job down in the bar.

I'm sorry. I need a place where
I can just wait, and then I'll go.

A place where you can just wait and go.
Well, what do you think this is,

[ Shouts ]
a bus stop ?

What, are you on drugs ? I should've
figured this out. You look like hell.

Did you come up here to rob me ?
ls that what you were thinking ?

- Look, I'm in trouble.
Somebody shot at me, okay ? - Now I've heard everything. Go.

Do you know what's going on tonight ?
Have you heard ?

Listen, I am a very happily married man,
and I don't need your kind of trouble.

- So let's go.
- Just a half an hour.

- No, wait, please ! [ Screams ]
- Get out !

- It's all right.
- Who are you ?

- Take a walk.
- What the hell's going on here ?

I said take a walk !
It's my room, damn it !
Hi. Remember me ?
I'm Detective Santoro.

- I shoved you out of the way
of that bullet. - Yeah.

Can you please help me ?
I need to get out of this building.

The first thing we're gonna do is
get you outta this room.
