Snake Eyes

Yesterday, I got it, and I told him that
I wanted to give it to him in person.

He told me to bring it
to the fight tonight.

[ Woman ] Secretary Kirkland,
welcome to Atlantic City. Are you here on official business ?

Not for a couple of hours.
I'm just another fight fan.

[ Julia ]
I couldn't get near him when they first came in. Powell was all over him.

The South Jersey worker
we are interested in tonight...

is the Atlantic City

[ Julia ] So I decided
to wait until the fight started.

And I had no idea
where they were sitting, so I went up top to get a better view.

[ Cheering, Shouting ]
[ Rick ] All right.
Hold it, hold it. Stop right there.

This is Dunne
you're talking about.

-Naval uniform ? Commander Kevin Dunne ?

- Talking with Rabat
before he shoots Kirkland ? - Yeah.

- I recognized him,
and I'd just seen him come in. - No, then you saw wrong.

It wasn't Dunne.
He could not be a part of it.

Will you just listen
to the rest ?
