What the hell do you think you're doing?
You could have killed him.
No one here has any animosity
towards you, Sergeant.
None of us here is your enemy.
Furthermore, we respect your qualities.
We have no doubt that you are a very...
...very good soldier.
But because of your training...
...we don't think you'll ever be able
to function in a group like this:
A community of families...
...of children...
...where the ability to fight is not
the sole purpose of existence.
You're different from us, Sergeant.
We don't hate you for that.
But we have agreed
that to try to include you...
...would pose an intolerable risk
to the community itself.
We'll give you any tools you need:
Some warm clothing,
some boots, a good knife.
Sergeant, you're our friend.
lt's just....