Do you get called in on crashes?
I'm on a list of psychologists the FAA
brings in when a plane goes down.
So where exactly are we now?
That's where we're headed.
Over there.
Take a look.
What is that?
All that for a plane crash?
I never mentioned a plane crash.
-Any other gear? Watch your step.
-I'd like to call my family.
We'll get you settled in quarters first.
Remain there till we send for you.
-I'd like to get started.
-We'll send for you.
-It's critical I see them--
The survivors. If I don't get to them
in the first 24 hours--
-What survivors?
-The survivors of the plane crash.
Plane crash?
I deal in post-traumatic stress
and survival guilt.
Maybe I should talk to someone
who knows what's going on here.
-Talk to the ship's psychiatrist.
-I'm a psychologist.
That's why I was sent here.
I told you people I need a phone.
Discuss that with Mr. Barnes.
That's fine.
Give me a phone, I'll call him.
Why are you here?
Take your hands off me, please.
Do you have any idea who I am?
Tell him the name
of the book you wrote.
Astrophysics You Can Use. It was a
Book-of-the-Month Club Main Selection.
Never heard of it.
You really thought he read your book.
You haven't changed.
It was written for the layman.
He's not impressed.
Is there a phone in here?
-I've been trying to call my wife.
-Would you stop touching me?
Wait a minute.
Flight quarters.
All units make your flight quarters...
...condition one stations for landing.
Stay clear of the fantail--
Goodman, you been here long?
-I've been here 3 hours.
-Welcome aboard.
This thing scares the hell out of me.
It's already too late.
You might as well helicopter me back. . .
. . .because the damage is done
to the survivors already.