
The descent will take about 1 3 minutes,
descending at 80 feet a minute.

It's going to get chilly.
Try to relax.
Next time, just tell us
when you're going to push the button.

Mozart. . .
...Horn Concerto in E-flat...
How you holding up, Captain Nautical?
-I'm loose.
-You're loose?

I'm loose. I'm loose.
I'm uptight.
-We okay?
-We're in the river now.

What river?
It's a temperature/salinity

It flows like a river
inside the ocean.

-Under the ocean and there's a river.
-That's right.

You okay?
Right now, I'm not okay.
Would you please not touch me?

We're both nervous. Yes?
Would you cut that out, please?
You're having a stress reaction.
That's Harry's stress reaction.

Those noises we're hearing,
that's normal?

Those noises are the water pressure
attacking the sub's integrity.

You know a little something about that,
don't you, Norman?

How the pressure
can attack your integrity.

Come on, you be nice this trip.
Were you nice last time?
