It will be your home-away-from-home
while we investigate the spacecraft.
It ain't the Motel 6.
Approaching docking bay from R-4.
All personnel, descent sub one
engaging lock area.
You are now depressurized.
We're going to pressurize you now.
It's hot in there, but you're going to
feel coolness. That's the helium.
-Was I the only one paying attention?
Oxygen is a corrosive gas, in the same
family as fluorine and chlorine. . .
. . .hydrochloric acid,
hydrofluoric acid.
That's why we're breathing helium.
Because oxygen at any level
higher than 2.3 becomes toxic.
Can you run that by me again, Ted?
I don't speak balloon.
That's my voice. The helium resonates
differently with my vocal chords.
"Follow the yellow brick road. "
Kiddies, cut it out.
The voice regulators are behind you.
Put them on.
The Navy dive team is setting up
a hydraulic robot. . .
. . .in the air lock
outside the spacecraft.
We'll use that to open its door.
Is that the door?
Yeah, we used sonar imaging to pinpoint
it before the divers went down.