So why does it chip when this scientist
just bangs it with a hammer?
Is there heat coming off this thing?
You're right. Get out of there.
Back up.
Just a minute.
I mean, get back now!
Get back.
Anybody else wonder who the hell
opened that door?
How did that happen?
I'm not sure about the atmosphere.
Helmets stay on.
All right.
We come in peace.
Always wanted to say that.
Fletcher, inform the Navy
we've gained access. . .
... to the spacecraft.
There's a hell of a lot of
radiation shielding in here.
Huge grids of catwalks and plumbing. . .
. . .and a lot of steam.
It's endless.
We'll stay in touch here.
Somebody's been here.
There's footsteps
and they ain't ours.
So what do you say, Norman?
Time to turn back?
I'm a little curious.
Break up into 2 squads. We'll
never cover the territory otherwise.
Split up?
He's got a point. We've only got about
a half-hour of breathing time left.
Ted and Harry,
you come with me.
Beth, Norman, stick together.
Come on.
I think the people who built this place
would call that "divide and conquer. "
Whoever built this thing wanted us dead,
we'd be dead already.
These guys offer a federal grant to
study the effects of an alien invasion.