That must be the cockpit.
Hold on.
Look at this. Cross-stress bracing
on the outer hulls.
All axes supported.
Look at this stuff.
This is interesting.
Soft and strong at the same time.
It's, like, better than rubber,
better than steel.
You know a lot
about this stuff.
I studied aeronautical engineering
at M.I.T.
Isn't that where you got your Ph.D.?
It's where I got mine.
All 3 of them.
I hated M.I.T.
How old?
First Ph.D., 1 8.
One year, Harry.
You beat me by one year.
Let's push on.
Let's go.
Man, they didn't tell you how heavy
these things were out of the water.
Look at this.
Come here.
"Trash. "
"Basura. "
Oh, God.
It's human.
You mean humanoid.
No, Norman, I mean human.
Blunt force trauma.
You can see by the direction
that the fracture runs. . .
. . .that he was hit
in the back of the head.
What's in his hand?
I don't know.
What is it?
"Smokehouse Almonds"?