They let you keep those?
Here, you want them?
All we got to do now
is plug in the numbers.
Friends. . .
. . .in the 8,000 years
of recorded history, this is a first.
You're now on-line
with an alien intelligence.
You got to be kidding.
You must've messed up the translation.
I don't think so.
If this is right,
this alien sounds like an idiot.
That's something to consider.
A stupid alien. They must have them.
I will admit the message is childlike,
but actually it's quite perfect.
It's short, to the point,
non-threatening. . .
. . .kind of the way you talk
to a small child or a dog.
Look at this.
He's making a speech.
Ask him for his last name.
I want a full name for my report.
I'm not putting in my report I lost
a crew member on a deepsat expedition. . .
. . .to find an alien named Jerry.
Please! "Jerry"?
We ought to tell him
that we're enjoying it too.
Ask him where he's from.
Where are you from?
"I make a journey. You make a journey.
We make a journey together. "
I think Jerry's channeling
Deepak Chopra.