Star Trek: Insurrection

- Why are we involved with them?
- Good question.

You haven't done that in a while.
- What you're doing to my neck.
- What?

Bridge to Commander Worf.
- Worf!
- Captain.

How are things on DS9? Don't
officers report for duty on time?

- Sorry, sir. l'm on my way.
- We'll skip the court martial.

When was the last time
we aligned the torque sensors?

- Two months ago.
- They don't sound right.

They are out of alignment
by 12 microns. You could hear that?

When l was an ensign, l could
detect a 3-micron misalignment.

The Son'a ship with Adm. Dougherty
has entered tracking range.

Straighten your baldric.
On screen.

Captain, l wasn't expecting you.
This is important to the Enterprise.
Data attacked us in the mission
scoutship, yesterday.

Ru'afo and l have decided
to send in an assault team.

Worf and l are working out
a tactical plan ...

Your android damaged my ship.
He must be destroyed.

l know what Data means to Starfleet,
but our crew are in danger.

lf our attempt to capture Data
fails, l will terminate him.

l should be the one to do it.
l'm his captain and his friend.
