All right, you have 12 hours, then
l want you out of the Briar Patch.
We'll head out to the perimeter
to call for Son'a reinforcements.
Good luck. Dougherty out.
- We're not picking up any ships.
- Try a wide-band covariant signal.
The rings are masking his approach.
The metaphasic radiation from the
rings is in a state of extreme flux.
Come out, come out
whereveryou are ...
- Sir?.
- That's something my mother ...
Hold on.
Open all hailing frequencies.
Data, this is Captain Picard.
Please respond.
lf we fire tachyon bursts,
he'll have to reset his shields.
- Then we can beam him out.
- Make it so.
- Direct hit. His shields are down.
- Beam him out.
- He's using a transport inhibitor.
- Prepare to enter the atmosphere.
That will shake him.
- Scanners are off-line.
- Start evasive manoeuvres.