He can fly a ship and anticipate our
tactics. His brain is functioning.
We know how he responds to threats.
l wonder how he would respond ...
Do you know Gilbert & Sullivan?
No, l've not had a chance
to meet all the new crew members.
They're composers,
from the 19th century.
Data was rehearsing ''HMS Pinafore''
just before he left.
A Brltish taris a soaring soul
as free as a mountain bird
his fist should be ready to resist
a dictatorial word
Sing, Worf.
- his nose shouldpant
- and his lips should curl
- his cheeks should flame
- and his brow should furl
- his bosom should heave
- and his heart should glow
and his fist be ever ready
for a knockdown blow
his nose should pant
and his lips should curl
his cheeks should flame
and his brow should furl
his bosom should heave
and his heart should glow
and his fist be ever ready
for a knockdown blow
Prepare the docking clamps.
his eyes should flash
wlth an inborn fire
his brow wlth scorn be wrung
he never should bow down
to a domineering frown
or the tang ofa tyrant tongue
- his heart should stamp
- and his throat should growl
- his hair should curl
- and his face should scowl
- his eyes should flash
- and his breast protrude
and this should be
his customary attltude
his foot should stamp
and his voice should drop
his hair should curl
and his face ...