Commander Data is safely in custody.
- Captain, Subahdar Gallatin.
- Lt. Curtis, Dougherty's attaché.
- Are you all right?
- We've been treated extremely well.
They have incredible
mental discipline and perception.
- My name is Sojef.
- Jean-Luc Picard.
Dr Crusher and Counsellor Troi.
- Would you like something to eat?
- No, we're here to rescue them.
As you wish. l would ask you
to disarm yourselves.
This village is a sanctuary of life.
Prepare the hostages for transport.
They should be quarantined before
joining the ship's population.
We believed they were being held
against their will.
lt's not our custom
to hold anyone against their will.
The android told us they were our
enemies, and that more would follow.
Are you our enemy?.
Non-interference in other cultures
is my people's prime directive.
Your directive apparently doesn't
include spying on other cultures.
The android is a member of my crew.
Apparently, he was taken ill.