Don't you ever get tired?
My power cells
continually recharge themselves.
l can't imagine
what it's like to be a machine.
l have often tried to imagine
what it is like to be a child.
Really?. For one thing, your legs
are shorter than everyone else's.
But they are in
a constant state of growth.
- ls it difficult to adapt?
- Adapt?
A child's specifications change
from one moment to the next.
- Do you trip over your own feet?
- Sometimes.
My legs are exactly
87.2 cm in length.
They were 87.2 cm
the day l was created.
They will be 87.2 cm
the day l go off-line.
l depend on specifications
that do not change.
l will never experience growing up
or tripping over my own feet.
But you've never had adults
telling you what to do all the time.
l'd accept that in exchange for
knowing what childhood is like.
- Do machines ever play?.
- l play the violin.
- My chess is quite advanced.
- No, l mean play for fun.
Androids do not have fun.
lf you want to know what it's like
to be a child, learn to play.
- Captain.
- Worf, you need a haircut.
Rapid hair growth is experienced
by Klingons during Jaktahla.