
Thank you, Luke.
I didn't say that.
Why would I say that...

:10:10 and daddy were
getting back together?

Sometimes people
make up stories...

...about things that
they wish would happen!

I don't want that to happen.
Why would I want that to happen?

Okay, pick a card.
Any card.

Because you're upset.
You know, because
Isabel moved in and...

I'm not upset. I'm not
geting myself upset over her.

Ok. Tear it in half.
Look, sweetie.
- If it means that...
- Again.

- If you really...
- Again.

If you want...
And again.
Time out.
If you don't want to talk
about this now, it's ok. Really.

You don't have to.
But don't look me in
the eye and lie to me.

It hurts my feelings,
I get angry, and...

Anyway, you're only allowed so many lies
before it starts showing in your face...

...and you wind up
looking like...

Like who?
Well, he's not President
anymore, so why be petty?

I'm sorry I said it.
I guess sometimes I just...
You know, sometimes I do
wish you and Daddy would...

Well, you know.
I figured if I said it out loud,
it just... might come true.

Yeah, I know.
It's not that I can't cook.
It's that I choose not to cook.

- There's a big difference.
- You don't have to cook.

Could we save
some of the wine?

- I need it for the sauce.
- Too late.

Hi, honey.
