- I do.
- Are you sure?
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Don't fight with me
when I'm hungry.
So, how long will
you be out of town?
Till Sunday morning.
I'm worried.
About what?
About being alone
with her all weekend.
I mean... what if she
burns the place down?
Well, just keep an
eye on her and...
...make sure you boys got
the fire extinguisher's handy.
- You ready to launch her?
- Yeah.
Let's give her a good push.
So, why did she move
in with you anyways?
Because we love
each other, and...
...because we want to
share our life together.
You already had
a life with Mommy.
But Mommy and I weren't
getting along very well...
...and it wasn't fair to you
guys, us fighting all the time.
I fight with Anna all the time.
Can I move out?
No. But you guys
are brother and sister.
You were husband and wife.
Doesn't that mean something?
It does.
When you get older...
...your relationships get
a lot more complicated.
And there's all kinds of
feelings flying around.
And sometimes...
...some of those
feelings change.
But did you fall out
of love with Mommy?
I guess I did.
I still love your mom.
It just...
...became a different
kind of love, that's all.