...all of that Elvis?
- Yeah.
When Daddy was...
...washing Isabel...
...in the shower, what did
you think that was about?
Well, sex, of course.
Why does Isabel scream?
During sex.
How do you know she
screams during sex?
I live in the same country.
- Why are you asking me?
- Just checking.
I like to talk to you
about stuff.
I like talking to you
about stuff too.
So, since Daddy's
gonna be working...
...you want to do something
on Saturday, just you and me?
Sure, but it'll have to
be in the evening...
...'cause I'm helping Bonnie Lyons
move into her apartment, and...
...so you're going to be with...
That really sucks!
Well, you're gonna be at a professional
photo shoot in Central Park.
You guys are going to
have a lot of fun.
Switch your hands.
Top hand down, bottom hand up.
Dylan, can you take just one step up
for me please? Just one big step.
Rapunzel, would you reach
your hand out there again?
Wouldn't it be cool if her
hair came out of her armpits?
Oh, sick!
I think we can get this
finished before lunch.
Folks, we like this light. We'll try
and get this in before lunch.
Come on! It's been
5 hours, we're hungry!
Yeah, we're starving!
Get yourself another ice
cream, ok? And I'll be done soon.
I promise.
We're rich!