
Yeah, right.
You don't believe me?
He's standing right over there.

No way.
Well, believe it.
You rule, Anna!
You rule!

You blew it!
- What are you doing here?
- I'm here to pick up my kids from school.

Who... is that?
He looks familiar. He looks like
that guy in his underwear...

...on the side of the
bus for Calvin Klein.

No. Fully dressed
for Ralph Lauren.

He's such a loser!
It worked, it worked, it worked!
Did you see the look on Brad's
face? Thank you so much!

Okay. "Limp-dick" I know.
What exactly is

It doesn't matter.
I didn't explain it to her.

But you're gonna have
to explain it to me...

...because I'm gonna have to explain it
to about 20 or 30 parents...

...that are going to call in
the next half-hour or so.

Give them my number.
No. I think they'll want to talk
to Anna's mother, thank you.

What is it that you worried
about? Looking bad at the PTA?

Are you defending
what you did?

Right to the ground!
- You put filth in my child's mouth.
- Oh, please...

You had her lie
about that model.

And it worked
like a charm.

And you became a hero,
and I became I schmuck.
