I love whores.
They're straight.
I pay my money
and I don't have to
be brainy or handsome.
She comes and does at my bidding.
And she's not hurt.
She takes the money and that's that.
Other girls talk about
feelings but mean money.
What's so funny?
So you can't do it for the fun of it.
You have to pay to unwind.
Sure. You got to be
somebody with other women.
You pay them whores
and they'll love you
be you a crass fool.
What's she talking about?
What will you be like with me?
Witty or dull?
How are you going to do it?
Yell or what?
Hey, why bother? It's business.
Pay and go ahead.
So you fear
I may not like you?
Okay. Money upfront!
What are you talking about?