That's the good kind--
so we're also gonna have to
ask you to put up the ransom.
It's too bad
about your friend.
You're right.
There was a time
i coulda done something.
These days, i'm a businessman.
I pay my taxes
like your moms and dads do.
Once a criminal,
always a criminal.
That's what my dad says.
Yeah ? What's
your mother say ?
Stop that !
Stop it !
Guys, what
you did to me
is unbelievable.
You're right, there was
a time i'd be lookin' at
four dead bodies by now.
But, strange as it seems,
i understand what you're doin'
and why you're doin' it.
So i'm gonna offer you
an opportunity.
Get out of this.
Before it gets so fucked up
nobody could ever recover.
Understand what i'm sayin' ?
Yes, you do.
Untie me.
Pour me a drink.
[ Chuckles ]
I call my car.
We act like
nothing happened.
I can't remember
Okay ?
You got my word.
Oh, okay. Go ahead.
You can go. What kind
of drink would you like ?
This is bullshit. "untie me,
pour me a drink." i told you
he wouldn't take us seriously.
Shut up !
i told you we didn't
have a choice.
What is that ?
Is that blood ?
After my father missed
his deadline,
the kidnappers sent a package.
They will continue to send
these packages every 24 Hours
until they get their money.
Package ? What ?
- What's in the package ?
- Charlie, whatever condition
elise is returned home in...
Is the same condition
you will be returned
to your home.
- Whose blood is that ?
- If she loses an eye,
you lose an eye.