[ Brett ]
He's gonna get out !
come on !
He's gonna get loose !
He's gonna get out !
he's gonna get out !
he's gonna get out !
[ Chattering continues ]
I thought you
gave him something.
You guys just wrote
your death notice.
You know, i admit my plan
is risky, Charlie, but you
know what ? It's gonna work.
Your plan. I'm gonna
remember that.
[ T.k. ]
Wait. Nobody move.
It's been off my finger
only once before.
- What's that ?
- The ring.
My fuckin' wife.
Sure, she used to
have nipples...
That would stand up
and whistle "dixie,"
but then again,
At one point,
dinosaurs used to
roam the earth.
- Yeah.
- I have three pairs
of shoes.
I got my white nikes.
I love
the white nikes.
I've had those for what,
six, seven years, right ?
These are almost worn out.
I got my bruno magnas.
I can't wear those anymore...
'cause of the
fucking o.j. Thing, right ?
And so i go out
and i buy these boots.
Look at these.
Nice fuckin' boots.
Huh ?
You know what those are ?
What ?
- The fish ?
- Yeah, of course the fish.
So, you got
fish boots.
I'm wearing stingray boots.
These are one-of-a-kind.
Fish boots ?
How much did they cost ?
[ Clears throat ]
- Fifteen hundred.
- Dollars ?
Fifteen hundred dollars ?
You paid $1,500
For those fuckin' shoes ?
No wonder
your wife is pissed.
You sound like my wife.
Anybody would be pissed
on that end. Come on.
You know what ?
Just shut up
about the fuckin' boots.
I will. I'll forget
about it.
I'm sorry i fuckin'
brought it up.
So, when's
the next package ?
[ Avery ]
Tomorrow at noon.
The phone,
does it work ?
What the fuck
is goin' on in here ?
Oh, shit, Ira.
You scared the shit
out of us !
Oh, well, then,
you can imagine
how i feel.
I came here to play poker.
That's what you told me
you were gonna be doin'.