Suicide Kings

What ?
Relax !
relax !

- Give me one reason to relax.
- We can't leave right now.

- No, you can and you will.
- Ira, Ira, listen to me.

- Elise has been kidnapped.
- What ?

- Is she okay ?
-We don't know.

Well, how come you fuckers
didn't tell me ?

- Oh, my god.
- And what does that
have to do with him ?

Oh, great.
Where did you come from ?

Me ? Nowhere.
I was just looking around.

Well, don't.
Everyone just stop and
stay where i can see you.

Uh, avery--
look, man, i'm really,
really sorry,

But i just want
everyone out of here
right now.

Hey, and take your
weird-fuck junkie friend
with you.

They're choppin' my
fingers off, Ira.

That's what the kidnappers did
to the girl, so that's what
your friends are doin' to me,

Even though i had
nothing to do with it.

- Charlie--
- Ira, look at it !

[ Chuckles ]
I get it.
You guys cut his finger off.

Holy shit !
you cut his
fucking finger off !

Oh, my god !
what the hell is
wrong with you guys ?

- Boo.
- Oh, my god.

My god, you guys fucked up.
Do you know who
this guy is ?

- Sir, sir, i am sorry.
- [ Screams ]

Sorry. I'm sorry.
I-i-- they told me
nothin' about this.

They never tell me
anything, these guys.

In fact, i barely even know
these fucking guys.

I cannot believe you cut
his fucking finger off.

- That's what they did.
-[ Ira ]
He's gonna kill us.

I mean, you do
understand that,
don't you ?

Th-that's what the man does
to people when they
disrespect him.

What do you think
he's gonna do to five ass--
four assholes...

Who cut
his fucking finger off ?

Dead. Dead.
Hi. I'm a dead guy.
Thanks, fellas.
