You know, that's unnecessary.
Mr. Barret, he takes
pretty good care of me.
Yeah ?
Fuck ya, then.
[ Guard ]
I wasn't much in school
and athletics and stuff,
So my uncle owned the place,
and that's how i got this gig.
I don't know if you have
a job, but if you're interested,
i have an in. I could--
[ Pager beeping ]
Turn it off !
- Who's in there, sir ?
-Who ?
Nothin'. Nobody.
I'm gonna need to get into
that sector there, sir.
Ah, you know,
you can't.
- [ Excited chattering ]
- Jammed. That's the thing
about this sector.
[ Guard ]
I need access
to that sector, sir, please.
Well, it's jammed.
It won't--
Ira, what's wrong with ya ?
All you got is light beer ?
Hey. How ya doin' ?
Is everything okay ?
- Central, all clear.
Make this run a non-call.
-[ Woman on radio ] Clear.
You might want to have
east state come out and take
a look at your system, sir.
-Could be a short somewhere.
- [ Mouthing words ]
But you never know.
Thanks, man.
[ Quietly ]
Fuck you !
- Hey, well, thanks.
- [ Muffled yelling ]
[ Ira ]
You're a--
a good-good man.
Is that my father's gun ?
You know we're not allowed
in my parents' bedroom.
What are you thinking,
going through their things ?
Shut up, Ira.
I wasn't going through anything.
I know where the gun is.
We all know where the gun is.
You show us every summer.
I thought we might see it
and, as you can see,
we did !
- Well, fine.
Go put it back now.
- Sorry, holmes. The gun stays.
Or there could be
nothing up there,
and there--
-[ Channel switches
to auto racing ]
- ...full wedge shot--
What the fuck
did you do ?
[ Golf program continues ]
You weren't even
watching it.
You're yacking away.
Put it back !
- I said put it back.
- I said no.
Put it back !