[ Man ]
You're lookin' good.
I'm talkin' to you !
I'm goin' out.
Well, then how 'bout
you get your new daddy
another beer ?
[ Chuckles ]
Now, you ought to learn to
control that temper of yours.
You're gettin' more like
your fuckin' mother
every day.
- What's good enough for her
ain't good enough for you ?
- [ Dishes shattering ]
[ Jennifer screaming ]
[ Dog barking ]
Hey, jennifer.
Lono, what are you
doin' here ?
What happened to you ?
Wait here, okay ?
Who the hell are you ?
Why don't you just
think of me as, uh,
A friend of the family.
Get the fuck out of
my house, asshole.
If you'll give me
a couple minutes
of your time,
I've got a few things
i'd like to talk to you about.
[ Exhales deeply ]
You know, uh,
what you did
wasn't really your fault.
It's what they call
a genetic defect.
[ Sighs ]
Mom called it "the gene."
My grandfather
had the gene.
He, uh,
Came over on the boat
from ireland in 1912.
And i guess he passed it on
to my old man.
My old man was a great guy.
A real pussycat.
A hard worker.