Suicide Kings

Big sports fan.
But sometimes,

On his way home
from the docks, he liked to
stop in with the guys,

And have a couple
of beers, you know.

I remember comin' home
from school one day,

And the whole house
was dark.

Couldn't figure it out.
I heard my mom cryin'
off in the dark someplace.

I was old enough at that point;
i could reach
the light switch...

And turn the lights on.
And i saw...
What he did to her.
So i went to my room
and i got the baseball bat--

Mickey mantle model
my old man gave me
for Christmas--

And i found the old man
passed out in the bathtub.

And i tattooed him.
Needless to say,
when i came home every day
from school after that,

The house was lit up
like ebbetts field.

The old man, uh,
never drank again.

All i'm sayin' to you is
if you want to drink,
go ahead and drink.

But if i ever find out
that you laid your hands
on that little girl again,

Me and mr. Mantle
are gonna pay you a visit,
my friend.

- Are you done ?
- Yeah, i'm done.

On your way out,
send that little whore
back in here.

I haven't finished
with her yet.

[ Grunting ]
