Suicide Kings

[ Police siren wailing ]
Sorry about
the toaster.
Any time.

There were a couple
of your friends at the bar
this afternoon.

Do you know their names ?
Yeah, avery,
Max, Brett.

Oh, yeah.
That better ?

Yeah, yeah.
Thank you.

She must be
some kind of woman.

- Who's that ?
- Elise.

[ Charlie ]
Beautiful, huh ?

Oh, she's more
than beautiful.

She's got this way she looks
at you that can just...

Stop your heart,
you know, and make it
start back up again.

- You know any girls
like that ?
- Yeah.

All of them.
So, what's her father
got against you ?

You didn't by chance
chop his finger off ?
Kidnap him ?

No, no.
Elise's old man,

He's such
a fucking hypocrite.

He's like this rich,
fat bastard who's never around,
you know ?

He'll fuck anything warm.
Meanwhile, his wife's at home
hammered on pills and booze...

And can't remember
who she's fucking.

You ever see that movie
the graduate?

I loved that movie.
Mrs. Robinson--
that's elise's mother.

The one time her husband comes
home early, she's finally gotten
around to banging my father.

Father number three,
but who's countin' right ?

After that,
everybody hated everybody.

I was no longer
allowed to see elise.

But get this,
i'm like-- i'm like
nine years old at the time.

Does that make
any sense to you at all ?

Life don't make sense.
It's not fair.

It doesn't follow logic
or obey orders.

[ Exhales ]
Max, you got a chance
right now.

Stop this
from goin' further.
