The Avengers

Allow me.
These rapid climate changes.
-The Ministry needs some answers.
-Oh, that Ministry!

Dry enough, don't you think?
Do you mind?
Very well.
I need a specialist's opinion.
Theoretically speaking,
if I wanted to alter cloud patterns...

:20:18 would I power it?
By microtransmission?

Yes, by microtransmission.
The military applications were never
looked into after the Cold War.

The hot and the cold war.
Hot and cold war?
An outdated theory.
Intriguing, but impossible.
Nothing is impossible!
Only mathematically improbable.
My dear Dr. Peel, look here.
The twisted labellum.
Note the upturned apiculus
on the dorsal sepal.

A genetic impossibility.
That flower should not exist...
...yet there she is.
I did it.
Beautiful, no?
Touch it, Dr. Peel.
I feel I'm wasting my time.
No, please touch it.
I'm sorry to trouble you.
It's obvious you know nothing.

I know nothing?
I have forgotten more than those fools
at The Ministry ever knew!

The ratio of protons to ions...
The entire Microtransmission Theory...
I did it all!
