I'm counting on you, Steed.
The clock is ticking.
A perfect dress rehearsal.
Mother and Father are convinced
an attack will take place.
Could someone like Sir August
really target a kind of weather bomb?
Queen to rook five.
If they knew what they were doing.
It's all a question of protons and ions.
Do explain.
Left on their own, they repel each other.
Very unstable.
Knight to knight four.
To achieve fusion,
they require a little extra oomph.
A gentle embrace, as opposed to a clinch.
Low excitation energy,
technically speaking.
Then, boom.
The pawn to knight four.
Look, I've been charting
these weather outbreaks.
Pawn to queen's knight three.
-Are you paying attention?
A believer in firm discipline.
Do you always obey orders?
Except when I don't.
Knight to queen five.
For example, if I were, perish the thought,
under orders to kill you....