Our secret...
all right?
- Hey, Stokely, maybe
it's from your planet.
- Blow me, blood fart.
Did you see that?
What is it doing?
[ Mimics Cash Register ]
- [ Zeke ] You think it's amphibian?
- Water resuscitated it.
[ Casey ] Yeah,
but couldn't this kill it?
Yeah, you don't want
to drown it.
- One way to find out.
- Oh, man.
- [ Class Gasps ]
- It's all right.
It's okay.
Mr Furlong,
what are you doing?
I'm just gonna check
his prostate.
the surface texture changed,
so... I want to feel it.
It can replicate.
Ah, fuck!
Goddamn it!
- I'm okay.
- [ Casey ] It has teeth.
Where did it get teeth?
I'm gonna call the university.
[ Whistle Blows ]
[ Stan ] I've just been
thinking ahead, Coach,
and, uh...
I've decided
to quit the team...
and concentrate
on my academics.