Where'd you getPilgrim from?
We boughthim in Kentucky.
Me and my mom took a trip down there
to see him.
Well, thatmust've been special.
Are you afraid of anything, Tom Booker?
Oh, growin' old.
Notbein' much use.
Hey, Grace?
What went on out there with Pilgrim?
See, Grace, I got a problem.
When I work with a horse,
I like to know its history.
Now most of the times, a horse,
in its own way, can pretty much
tell you the whole story...
but sometimes they get
so messed up in their head
that you need more to go on.
Now, I don'tknow how you feel
about talkin' aboutit...
and if you don't feel like it,
I understand.
Butif I'm gonna figure out
what's goin' on in his head...
sure would help me if I understood
exactly whathappened that day.
You know, not today.
Whenever you feel like it.
I'll leave that up to you.
- The answer's no.
- You haven't even heard
the question yet.