I've been waiting for you
to come back.
Are you hungry?
Judith was, um,
telling me about this boy.
I never even gothis name.
We were gonna go around
the railroad bridge.
We were laughing about something.
I don'tknow what.
And, um, her horse fell...
and Judith's foot
was caughtin the stirrup.
And she was so scared.
And nextl saw this truck
coming around the turn.
And it was honking,
trying to get us to move.
And l, l-I tried
to grab her reins and...
to gether horse
to move out of the way.
And the truck started to skid.
And th-there was no time
to do anything.
Itran rightinto Judith, and...
And she just disappeared.
And then it came
atPilgrim and me.
And Pilgrim reared up
at the truck.