You lost him.
Make entry.
Beck thinks you lost him.
Frost gave him the go-ahead.
That's not the play.
Omar's tight.
He can get a shot off
if they breach.
I can still talk to him.
I just need time.
HBT 1 , negotiator requests time.
Team's in position.
Fuck it. I'm going in.
Don't. Don't pull this shit.
You'll give him another hostage.
You know another way to get
the gun off the girl's head?
Negotiator entering kill zone.
Keep him out.
Our men will lose objectivity
if he's in there.
This is Frost. Stand down.
Omar was a Marine, right?
-We have a shot?
Get Eagle and Palermo to that window.
Tell them to wait for my signal.
Put that motherfucker on his back.
Hellman, Allen, Argento.
When I'm clear, get the girl.
Just got word.
Your wife's here.
-Shut the fuck up.
I've been authorized to make the trade.
But I got to come in. . .
. . .make sure there's no
other hostages or surprises.
Fuck you!
I want to see her.
I got to come look. Then I can
bring in your wife, get the girl.
What if you're lying?
Then shoot me!
Fair enough!
Nice and slow!
You look around,
then I get my wife.
Or you fucking die!