I first found out. . .
. . .after he was killed.
You're lying.
And I know you're lying.
You know it?
You can read my mind?
No, I'm not.
I'm reading your eyes.
The eyes can't lie.
Didn't you know?
A quick lesson in lying.
This is what us real cops do.
We study liars.
I ask you something visual,
like your favorite color. . .
. . .your eyes go up and to the left.
Neurophysiology tells us
they go that way. . .
. . .as you access your visual cortex.
So you're telling the truth.
lf your eyes go up and right. . .
. . .you're accessing the creative
centers and you're lying.
Let's try this again.
Your favorite TV show?
I'm not going to play
your stupid game.
You afraid we'll catch you
in a lie?
When did you find out
Nate was investigating the fund?
After I spoke with you.
That's a lie if I've ever seen one!
-Fuck you! I never blinked my eyes!
-You didn't have to blink.
Your body language says you're lying.
He's nervous.
What do you expect?
Shut up!
You know how this works!
It's not just your eyes.
It's everything.
Cough, sneeze, cross your legs,
scratch your ass. . .
. . .they're all telltale signs.
You can't cheat.
You can stare with those
dead-ass eyes all you want.
You can't beat the system.
One last question:
Who killed Nate?
I don't know. I couldn't tell.
Up, down, right, left. . . .