I lost the most important thing in my life.
My return ticket to Sarasota.
Instead of complaining,
why don't you look for a telephone?
What makes you think
there is a telephone out here?
This is probably where they test
those nuclear bombs.
They would have to call somebody
to find out if they went off.
I thought that was a snake.
They probably got poisonous spiders
here, too.
What will they live on?
You think they're waiting
for two schmucks like us?
I got to sit down. Let's rest.
- We need to have a plan. Agreed?
- Agreed.
- What should the plan be?
- I don't care, I agreed. I did my part.
We got to find a telephone
and call Hannah's mother.
Get her to send a car to pick us up.
- You know the number?
- No, it was in my suitcase.
- We could call the information.
- In what town?
San... My daughter said San...
Don't you remember?
No, I was playing poker.
I couldn't hear anything.
- San Marino?
- No, San Cantino?
Not San Cantino.
- San Sereno?
- No.
- San Bandino.
- San Patino.
San Farina. Where are you going,
for crying out loud?
We need a phone book.
How many towns can sound like that?
In California, all of them.
San Diego, San José, San Quentin...
- San Mateo.
- San Clemente. Roberto Clemente.
Sancho Pancho. Pancho Gonzalez.
- San Jemima.
- San Jemima?
What do I know? Fernando Lamas.
Ricardo Montalban.
- Ricky Ricardo.
- San Pagaue.