Won't these guys be sore
when they catch up to you?
Fit to kill!
Especially since they found out
we were with two men last night.
- You were?
- They mean us, schmuck.
Open up!
Damn! They tracked our perfume.
Stay put and there'll be no trouble.
Sit tight, people.
Oscar? I really have to pee.
The fun is over.
Time to come home.
That shack with whisky bottles
and bacon strips on the floor?
Remember, we don't know them,
we've never even seen them.
- What did you say?
- I honestly can't remember.
That's them, isn't it?
The bartender at the hotel described them.
Couple of Martini drinkers.
Come on, honey. We don't want
to disturb the nice people on this bus.
- That's OK.
- I wasn't talking to you, Martini.
Come on. I've got some cold beer
waiting for you in the car.
Let's go.
You don't want to miss the party.
We have to go to a wedding...
...of our...
But thank you all the same.
You just don't get it, do you.
You are the party.