Thank you.
Miss Rosales, I really don't know
what else I can tell you.
His death shocked everybody.
Thomas was a fine member
of our order.
- I understand he used to be a detective.
- Mm-hmm.
Well, did he ever talk to you about
any odd cases that he had?
Anything dealing with cults
or gangs or anything?
- Miss Rosales, I really can't
disclose anything more.
- I know, Father.
- Now, if you'll excuse me.
- It's just that...
he was involved with
something a while ago...
and it's something that I
may have stepped into as well.
It's, um, angelic script.
According to the old Hebrews, God marked
all his angels with such a sign.
Or so Thomas told me. He was
a bit of an expert on such matters.
How so?
All right.
Uh, listen.
This is not something
I would normally discuss, but, uh,
since it seems
so important to you.
Thomas was obsessed
on the subject of angels.
So much so that he claimed
to have had visions about them.
According to him,
some angels became jealous that God was
giving too much attention to mankind.
So they tried
to wipe humans out...
under the archangel Gabriel.