You send me an official
interagency request
for cooperation, then
I'll give you copies
of everything we come
up with. How's that?
Other than that,
I gotta ask you to leave
before you contaminate
my crime scene
any more
than you already have.
CIA has no charter
to operate domestically,
which puts you in violation
of federal law.
Hey, there's no reason
to be nasty.
You think
I'm being nasty?
Ifyou got something you
want to share with me,
being that we're
Well, unfortunately, not yet,
but as soon as I do-
You'll let me know?
I'll tell you
what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna ask
some of my teammates
to escort you
out of here.
Is that all right
with you?
Thank you.
Is that Elise
with an "A" or an " E"?
Nice meeting you, too,
Assistant Special Agent
in Charge Hubbard.
Pin a tail on her.
I'm on it.
You sleep here?
Immigration called.
Underneath the false bottom,
we found this.
All in small bills,
so we figured smurf, right?
And considering yesterday's
terrorist alert,
and where he's been recently,
we'd better call Frank.
Who's trying to score points
with his boss big-time.
Has he broken
any laws?
No, sir. He is $20 under
the $10,000 limit.
Not anymore.
So, Khalil,
you're saying this
is an inheritance?
Somebody died, and you're
bringing them the money.
No, no. Doory.
He means dowry.
Check out his neck.
10,000 for a wedding?