The Siege

Ray, go a little softer
on him, okay?

Pass him offto Patsy.
Patsy, watch out
for reflections.

Okay, you got him.
Ah, here.
Got the judge.

Morning, judge.
How are you?

Yeah. How are things
down at Second Circuit?

Yeah, right.
I know what you mean.

we got a situation here.

Who's he talking to?
Hold on one second, Judge.

Who is he talking to?
We getting film on this?
Who's he talking to?

Don't know him.
If we were allowed
to get sound

on them, we'd know.
Yeah, yeah, Judge.
No, sir.
No, sir, not yet.
No, not yet, sir, but-
We got reason to-
Damn it, Mike.
Mike, back off.

Oh, shit.
He's making him.

Shit! Fuck!
All units go!
Look, I got to get
back to you, Judge.

Go around.
Go around, Frank.

I got him, I got him.
There he is.
We got him.
Stiverson and Throop.
