Paint bomb,
was that a warning?
American University
of Beirut.
I was there
from '79 to '82.
No shit.
Yeah. My father taught
economics. Henry Kraft.
Is there a terrorist cell
operating in the city
that we're unaware of?
It's such a tragedy.
Growing up there
was like paradise.
Like an exotic Paris.
Right, Frank?
Yeah, it's real exotic
on Rikers Island, too.
You know what they do
to women in there?
Mmm, yum.
Frank here.
3 men, definitely armed,
and this time
they're still on the bus.
So no communication
of any kind?
No, no, it's weird.
Theyre just in there.
Just in there. Okay.
See if you can get the frequency
of the bus driver's radio.
We'll try and get him
on the phone.
Get a couple
Of DAT phones, okay?
Make sure they're
secure portables.
The negotiator's on his way.
A couple of techies,
too, Frank.
We want sound.
There's children
on that bus.
We counted about 6.
That gives us something
to work with, then, doesn't it?
What's happening
out there?
Take her outside
the perimeter, will you?
They've taken another bus,
haven't they?
Hey, talk to me.
You want to talk now.
You want me to be your
friend now. Is that it?
Listen. These guys
are the real deal.
Are they?
How do you know?
Is there a terrorist cell
operating in Brooklyn?
The blue bus,
was that a warning?
Yes, and I'm afraid
they're gonna blow this one.
How do you know they're
gonna blow the bus
if they haven't
blown it already?
- I don't know.
- You don't know.
They haven't asked
for anything, have they?