The Thin Red Line

Good. We don't want our sons or grandsons
fighting this war 30 years from now, do we?

- No, sir, we sure don't.
- Then you crush 'em without mercy.

You dig them out ofthe hills
and protect that airfield.

Yes, sir.
You wonder why... Why did the Japs
put an airfield there of all places?

I guess we don't know the bigger picture,
if there is such a thing.

- What do you think?
- Well, sir, I never ask myselfthat question.

You're a humble man.
Nobody wants that island... but you.
How much do you want it?
As much as I have to, sir.
All theysacrifiicedforme
poured outlike water on the ground.
All lmighthave given forlove's sake.
Too late.
slow as a tree.
D'you feel it?
Yes, sir.
Thank you, sir.
Take topside to the signalbridge.
The closeryou are to Caesar,
the greater the fear.
