I'll bet you are.
May I come in?
- Nick's not here right now.
- I'll wait.
- I'm a little busy.
- Well, I'll be real quiet.
Look, lady, I just told you.
I'm a little busy!
It's quite all right.
I would enjoy speaking
with your friend.
She's not my friend.
I don't know who the fuck she is.
Uh, hi.
I am Dallas.
No. don't bother
introducing yourself
'cause she's not staying.
- [ "Mooing" ]
- What is that?
"That" is my phone.
Aren't you going to answer it?
Yeah. I'm going to answer it.
- [ "Mooing Continues" ]
- Where's your cordless?
You doing a survey?
I had one.
I broke it.
- In anger?
- Yeah.
I mean, no.
Can you give me, uh,
just a second?
- Don't sit down.
- [ Mooing ]
- Hello. Nick.
- Case.
You get the fuck
back here right now.
No. I got myself
in a little trouble, Case.
You, my friend,
are in a lot more trouble
than you fuckin' know.
- Yalie, huh?
I'm a Vassar gal myself.
- "Oh", "really?"
- What was your major?
- Poly-scI and philosophy. You mind?
[ Sighs ]
Casey's got to be
real fucked up...
if you're making
a house call.
I'm beginning
to think so, yes.
Some Jamaican showed up here,
and he tried to kill me.
And now one of your bimbos
is sitting in my living room!
- Bimbo?
- Some bitch named Dallas.
Tell me, you're not
one of those, uh...
Freudian sub-intellectuals
who waste all their time...