[ Mouthing Words ]
You get the fuck out of my house.
- "[ Mooing Continues ]"
- Did you say you were from L.A.?
- What?
- [ Christine ] What?
Is that how you answer
the phone these days?
I'm sorry, honey.
I thought you were somebody else.
- Did you know Mr. Wells
when he was living in L.A.?
- Well, not directly.
I heard of his work.
His work?
Isn't that why you're here?
What do you need?
I mean, how's your day going?
Tough. We're at
an impasse on the fee, so...
That's great, honey.
Casey, are you okay?
How's everything there?
Oh, it's interesting.
You really wouldn't believe it.
Have you seen Dr.Jarvis?
- Yes, and he's here right now.
- Really?
- How's it going?
- Huh--
And then, once I met Nick,
I got the full-blown
Casey Wells story.
- You want one?
- One what?
A Casey Wells story.
- Yes, I would.
- How about the last one?
- Fine.
- "All right."
Nick and Casey...
"Had this guy", "Jimmy."
"A small-time nothing",
a bird dog for some
of the mid-level players.
It's cool, man.
You just took too big a lick.
- "[ Laughing ]"
- That is some rank
fuckin' shit, man.
And he set up
a meeting between them...
and this big nigger
named... uh, Lester James.
"course", "most people"
knew him as ''Ballpeen. ''
- Ballpeen's casa at 7:00.
- Where in the fuck a nigger
get a name like that?
- You seen
little nigger's arm, right?
- "[ Casey ] Oh", "yeah."
- That's why they
call him Ballpeen.
- He broke Jimmy's arm--
with a ten-pound
ball peen hammer.
Three years ago
"LesterJames", "a.k.a. Ballpeen",
"was a big", "stud motherfucker."
Had a stable of bitches
he fucked on a regular basis,
but every couple weeks...
he went out to get some strange.