
"Well", "Case", "it's just you and I."
What do you think?
My wife's going to have my ass
when she finds out I let...

some dyke in a pink rubber dress
blow off her chances...

for Happy Meals
and diaper wipes.

It's red, asshole.
- Where is it?
- I'll tell you, if you
answer one question.

Sure. Shoot.
Are you on the rag?
Because you look like
one of those women who are...

explosive under stressful
situations, and--

Being married, you should
fucking know how much women
hate that question.

But being a typical male,
you ignore
your better judgment...

and ask anyway, huh?
I should just do your wife
a favor and blow your head off.

It's as if every mood swing
can be written off as...

''She's just on the rag.''
Like that explains something.
Women have mood shifts,
that "is" a fact of life.

"And for your information",
"I am a complete bitch",

whether I'm on the rag or not.
Now, let me answer
your question.

- Does that answer it?
- I'd say you're right.
You're just a bitch.


answer my questions...
- before you start
losing appendages.
- [ Grunts ]

It's gone.
- Gone?
- Yeah.

- What do you mean, it's gone?
- I 86'ed it.

I sent it
swimming down the sink.
